When you include the YWCA Union County in your will, you express your support for our mission through a very special and important form of financial support. Your gift will make a lasting impact and help us meet our goal to continue serving our community today and in the future.
Bequests, beneficiary designations and other types of planned gifts are vital to the YWCA Union County’s growth and development. They are essential in enabling us to thrive and serve the community.
The simplest and most common way to make a planned gift is to remember the YWCA Union County with a bequest in your will. This can be a gift of a specific sum of money or a fraction of your estate, and can be made either upon your death or upon the death of your spouse.
Planned gifts can also be made through beneficiary designations on your retirement accounts or life insurance policies.
Additionally, you can work with your advisors – attorney, accountant or investment consultant to explore some of the more sophisticated estate planning options and planned giving tools.
“I give, devise, and bequest $ ______ to the YWCA Union County, located in Elizabeth, New Jersey with the EIN 22-1487399 for its general purposes.”
“I give, devise, and bequeath to YWCA Union County, located in Elizabeth, New Jersey with the EIN 22-1487399 an amount equal to ______ per cent (__%) of my adjusted gross estate as finally determined for federal estate tax purposes for its general purposes.”
Our development staff is available to speak with donors, attorneys, trust officers and others who require additional information or sample language for wills and trusts.
Your planned gift gives you an opportunity to make a gift that advances our mission in a way that is meaningful to you. You can choose to designate your gift to one of our programs or to our endowment. If you do not designate your gift, it will be used according to our Gift Acceptance Policy.
Please let us know if you have included the YWCA Union County in your estate plans so that we can properly acknowledge your planned gift.
Contact the Executive Director at (908) 355-1995 ext. 122 or by email. All information and gifts are completely confidential.